History and visibility

ISOSTAR, the founder of sports nutrition: started in 1977.
In 1977, the company started its start-up in Switzerland, developing a sports drink as its first product.
 ISOSTAR has been with athletes since day one.
Regardless of the athlete’s level of training, the manufacturer offers the best nutritional solutions to achieve personal goals and results in sport.
To be able to offer consistent quality and innovation, ISOSTAR works with leading nutritionists, scientists, coaches and athletes.
This collaboration results in the improvement of existing products and the development of new products that meet the needs of athletes for quality sports nutrition.
ISOSTAR regularly communicates with representatives of different sports (running, MTB, swimming, athletics) in order to identify the specific product needs according to the sport.



Building on more than 40 years of experience in the sports nutrition industry, ISOSTAR continues to work hard and grow.
ISOSTAR is considered a leader in sports nutrition due to its product demand, quality and visibility.
The high demand for the products has contributed to the wide recognition of the product in countries all over the world.


ISOSTAR continuously improves its product formulation based on innovation, the latest scientific research and the needs of athletes.
Our goal is to provide athletes with a wide range of products needed before, during and after exercise.
ISOSTAR has created a variety of products (beverages, gel bars, etc.) that provide the athlete with optimal fluid intake, strength, endurance, recovery.


Just as sporting challenges are about daily training and challenging yourself, ISOSTAR’s challenge is to create products that are environmentally friendly and support a healthy, sporty lifestyle.
ISOSTAR not only wants to create the best sports nutrition, but also to provide knowledge and advice for a healthy, active lifestyle and the best results.


With its “Quality Guarantee” label, ISOSTAR certifies that its activities are based  on overall social and environmental responsibility.
This commitment is involved at all levels.
The logo, which appears on every package, certifies the purity, quality and safety of our products.
Our products:

  • only natural dyes are used
  • only raw materials authorised for food production are used
  • raw materials are used that are not on the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) list of prohibited substances
  • are packed in material complying with the requirements for ecological packaging
  • are produced in factories able to guarantee the quality and purity of the raw materials
  • are regularly inspected and tested by independent and reliable laboratories
  • samples of the products produced are kept for one year after the expiry date